I can't believe it's already Tuesday! Here are some snapshots of what's been going on around here over the weekend...
My younger children found this little guy around the above ground pool, calling to a potential mate!...They can really get going with that croak thing!

Next, we have a peek into the tree trimming job that my husband undertook with our youngest son. A neighbor friend and our youngest daughter are also helping...This big old tree hangs over the Secret Garden, and occasionally drops a limb as many have died from the past drought....We thought it would be a good idea to get some down before our Ladies' Fellowship on Saturday...

Our 16yr old spotted this Daddy Rattler while cruising on his 4-wheeler near our home!...Well, ofcourse he had to race home and get his younger brother's Ninja sword and go back and "dispatch it"!...You moms out there DON'T want to know how he got the thing to strike so he could reach the neck!! (Keep praying Moms, we never know WHAT our children are going to face throughout their day!!) 

Here is my wonderful husband playing with our 1yr old Labweiller, Xerxes. The puppy has settled down quite a bit, and is actually enjoyable to be with now!
Well, better go get things done around here so we can take our trip to violin lesson and visit with my parents. I'll pick up a few groceries while I am out, as I can't just "run to the store" very easily from here, and try to make the most of every trip out. Before I go, a word of encouragement:
"Where there is prayer, there is peace; and God, who makes every duty possible, knows, helps, and cares." Anthony W. Thorold
Like the frog, don't like the snake. :P
ReplyDeleteI started a photo blog over here, but I do not have it connected to my profile. I am moving my posts over from Xanga. The content of the front page has gotten pretty bad along with their ads. I can block ads, but not language. :(
Oh, here is the link: