Friday we started to put chicken wire around the garden area that we are trying to grow vegetables and herbs in...we have spotted various bunny "signs" and do not want all of our work to be for naught!

Daddy took Friday off, and one of the things he did, was to take the 2 youngest children to the store to get some fish for the garden pond....2 baby koi and some goldfish...It was exciting to finally release them into the pond.

We spent the rest of Saturday (Daddy's Birthday :) doing various pleasant jobs...Don and the boys got the larger pigpen fixed up for piggies. That is always fun to see when they go into the bigger pen--they run and frolic! Sorry I didn't get pix. I hung several loads of laundry, as it had been raining, and more was on the way...
I have to say, we have no bunny problem here. We have a coyote problem that takes care of the bunnies, but also poultry. :S I find no sound more creepy than the coyotes at night.