Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I can't believe it's already Tuesday! Here are some snapshots of what's been going on around here over the weekend...

My younger children found this little guy around the above ground pool, calling to a potential mate!...They can really get going with that croak thing!

Next, we have a peek into the tree trimming job that my husband undertook with our youngest son. A neighbor friend and our youngest daughter are also helping...This big old tree hangs over the Secret Garden, and occasionally drops a limb as many have died from the past drought....We thought it would be a good idea to get some down before our Ladies' Fellowship on Saturday...

Our 16yr old spotted this Daddy Rattler while cruising on his 4-wheeler near our home!...Well, ofcourse he had to race home and get his younger brother's Ninja sword and go back and "dispatch it"!...You moms out there DON'T want to know how he got the thing to strike so he could reach the neck!! (Keep praying Moms, we never know WHAT our children are going to face throughout their day!!)

Here is my wonderful husband playing with our 1yr old Labweiller, Xerxes. The puppy has settled down quite a bit, and is actually enjoyable to be with now!

Well, better go get things done around here so we can take our trip to violin lesson and visit with my parents. I'll pick up a few groceries while I am out, as I can't just "run to the store" very easily from here, and try to make the most of every trip out. Before I go, a word of encouragement:

"Where there is prayer, there is peace; and God, who makes every duty possible, knows, helps, and cares." Anthony W. Thorold

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good morning from stormy Thousand Hills Farm!
We got our dining room painted and the chandelier up for Sunday Dinner!....it's been a project in the wings for 1 1/2yrs! It's so wonderful to have it done. Had my parents and sister here for dinner, and celebrated the good news of Mom's negative bone biopsy 3rd year post stem cell transplant....Praise the Lord!
The dining room used to be yellow painted panelling...we sealed everything with caulking....VOILE!, no more cracks! It really looks finished now. Looking forward to doing the living room next....)
Notice the birdhouse border that came down!...
My Sweetie is soooo wonderful!...He took 2 days of his time to do this for me...and help me to "do things RIGHT"! HA
(I was just going to slap some paint up there!)
LOVE to see a place transform....
Here was the little centerpiece that I made up from things found at the dollar store...The nail is a replica of the Roman nails probably used to crucify Jesus....We passed it around and read a little meditation about His sacrifice for our sins......Then we celebrated

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello All,
I suffered a little frost damage the other night, with the temps dropping into the upper 20's!...Here are a few pix:
My baby cannas...
My "popcorn" tree's leaf buds...
Several of the other bushes and trees got a little frostbite, also the little concord grape leaves, but nothing like last year---so, I'm thankful! Had to put the electric blankets back on our beds upstairs. Next year, we don't take them off until May 1st! HA

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here is our youngest helping Momma make corn muffins to go with our homemade chili last night for supper....She's wearing the prairie skirt that she made (with very little help from me!) earlier in the day. We are really excited about her beginning to make more of her own clothes! :)

Speaking about skirts, I'm rrreeeaaallllyyyy late getting the skirt made for our oldest daughter who is living in Hawaii at the moment...Her birthday is right around the corner! She loved one that I had made a couple of years ago and had never finished, so I finished it for her to wear back West on the plane at Christmastime.

Going to take our youngest son to violin practice today a couple of towns away. May stop by my parents house and say "Hi". May run into Goodwill and take a look...

The fish in the garden pond were shy about coming up for food this morning, but they probably have found much to nibble at the bottom!

It's supposed to be another blustery day, with the temps dropping into the 20's tonight!! Hope none of the baby pears get frozen :O

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday we started to put chicken wire around the garden area that we are trying to grow vegetables and herbs in...we have spotted various bunny "signs" and do not want all of our work to be for naught!
Daddy took Friday off, and one of the things he did, was to take the 2 youngest children to the store to get some fish for the garden pond....2 baby koi and some goldfish...It was exciting to finally release them into the pond.
We spent the rest of Saturday (Daddy's Birthday :) doing various pleasant jobs...Don and the boys got the larger pigpen fixed up for piggies. That is always fun to see when they go into the bigger pen--they run and frolic! Sorry I didn't get pix. I hung several loads of laundry, as it had been raining, and more was on the way...