"Passover Dinner"....of Sorts!
(Is licking the bowl Kosher?!?)
Happy Holy Week, Y'All! My youngest and I are still up near Atlanta with my dear MIL as she undergoes chemo for lung CA. I decorated the table with various things found around the house and in storage in the garage. We had Matzo Ball Soup from a mix that I found in the pantry, salad, honeyed carrots, relish tray. Not too extravagant, but the fellowship was sweet :) I simply read Hebrews 10:19-25 as a devotional reading before we prayed and ate...
It was my first time making Matzo Ball Soup. The balls are the texture of half noodle/half bread. Next year, if the LORD wills and I shall live, and He doesn't "collect me" first, I would like to prepare way ahead of time for this very special week's activities, foods, decorations, and celebration in general. Our family has been in transition for years now, not really knowing what to do, other than we KNEW we didn't want to do the "bunny" thing anymore! We've had to try and replace the Easter-type trappings (no pun intended ;), with more Bible-oriented activities. To our dismay, there just wasn't much Biblical going on out "there"---including the churches!....egghunts?!?...So...we tried having older family members stand at "stations" around the property, ready to ask an age-appropriate, Bible-based question, taken from the Holy Week events, to each child as they take turns going around. At the end of the round, having their checklist of stations checked off, they were given a unique "treasure map" which led to a goodie bag containing treats and toys for their enjoyment. I think important celebrations should be FUN for children!!! But NOT at the expense of losing the meaning of the occasion.
This past year, some very good friends of ours began to attend a Messianic Congregation in the area. They invited us to their home last year for a Passover seder-type dinner. We LOVED the focus on the Lamb of God, and how the celebrations of the OT pointed to Christ. In this day and age when it seems the "church" is becoming more and more like the world, many, like our family, seem to be turning to the groups who are focusing on who/what we are in Christ, and worshiping Him as the Redeemed, rather than trying to "reach out" to the unsaved/unchurched by trying to attract them and make them feel comfortable in our worship/sacred assemblies. Don't get me wrong. There's a definite command to "Go" to the world, and preach the Gospel--but we're NOT told to bring the unsaved in. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Pastors are for the flock. Evangelists are for the lost. IMHO, there should be more "family business" going on during church gatherings, rather than "tip-toeing" around trying not to offend the lost or prodigals! On the contrary, we should be being fed, exhorted, rebuked, taught, encouraged, strengthened, prayed for, annointed, etc. when we get together--edified and built-up, so that we can LIVE being salt and light out in the world the rest of the time! We are "living epistles", hopefully "adorning the Gospel" with our lives as "neighbors".
OK. I'm done with my birthday rant now. Hope you all have a great day!...I take comfort in remembering that the LORD is faithful! Jesus said, "I will build my church."
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