It is a good thing
to have fixed seasons
for lifting up the heart
to God,
not merely the appointed hours of prayer, but a momentary act
before and after meals, beginning any occupation, entering into society, leaving the house, etc.
Especially it is a help to make such brief acts after having said or done anything either wrong or foolish,
after any trifling vexation or disappointment,
when the spirit feels, it may be, wounded and desolate,
or when one's vanity is annoyed at having been guilty
of some little folly or unseemliness.
Sometimes we are more really troubled and sore at trifles of this sort than at far weightier things.
But if all such things were met with a momentary uplifting of the heart
to God,
all these little frailties and worries would tend to mold the character
more and more
and they would assuredly
lose their sting;
for he who thinks much of God
will daily think less
of himself.
A lovely post. Thanks for the gentle reminder.