Friday, May 22, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Well, tonight we are scheduled to attend a recognition dinner for Hubby's work. I am trying to come up with an outfit to wear...must finish a skirt out of material that I found on clearance at Wal-Mart the other night....Hoping it turns out. A little exotic, but hey, it's a facet of my personality...Will try to post pix later...
This weekend our church is sponsoring a camp with Colin and Nancy Campbell as the guest speakers....It's supposed to be a family camp, but due to some "technical" difficulties with our 16yr old, it looks like it will be just the 2 younger children and myself. I'm hoping to find another dad to "adopt" my youngest son for the weekend, because their are separate dorms for the men and women...I'm trying REAL hard to "roll with the punches" with all of this right now...The theme for the camp is Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."
Friday, May 15, 2009
Up! Up! The Day is Breaking--Paul Gerhardt
Commit thy way to God,
The weight that makes thee faint;
Worlds are to Him no load,
To Him breathe thy complaint.
Up! Up! The day is breaking
Say to thy cares, good-night!
Thy troubles from thee shaking,
Like dreams in day's fresh light.
My Mother-in-Law is coming today...better get to the chores! Busy, busy weekend...But, just another thought before I go:
My personal prayer for today is that I could be more like a small child...trusting her Father to know and do what is best...
I am so like a young child really, in the way that I know so little of "the big picture", and therefore cannot make proper judgements---but I so easily forget this and go barrelling into the day, wrecking havoc with my ignorant, though well-meaning gusto.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
"Lifting Up the Heart to God"--H.L. Sidney Lear
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Puppy’s Mothers’ Day Fun!
Mimi had been feeling sorry for puppy "having to sleep on the hard concrete flooring in his screenporch", so she brought him a cushy dog bed….Was he ever proud of it:
Then we finished up our afternoon watching a storm system come through while sitting on our front porch—one of my favorite pasttimes. Our youngest son felt festive and got out his violin to play a tune while little sister danced a happy jig. Oh, these are the days……
Friday, May 8, 2009
Let's Make Rose Petal Jam!
We stopped by to feed "Goatie" some new oak leaves and enjoy the late afternoon view...and rest from our trek to collect roses.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Well, I'd better get my teeth brushed and head back outside to the garden to do some trimming of shrubs that have already bloomed and are growing like crazy!! Yesterday we got the pool cover out of the pool area behind the garden (through 2 garden gates!!) and out into the side yard to hose off for storage. My 13yr old son was the "boss" of this job...Soon I will get out the Clorox Clean-up to scrub the deck and fencing...The pool is almost ready for the season. The 2 younger children swam yesterday already!! (72 degree water ;$ ) I'll post some pix of that later today, LORD willing :)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
We enjoyed some snowpeas in our salad from the garden, and look forward to cooking up a pot of those radishes--they are a lot like turnips, and we will eat them much better that way!