Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good Morning Friends!

Thought I could introduce you to some of the critters who live here at Thousand Hills Farm! First, here are our 3 little pigs: Hammy, 'Tacky(he attacks everything :), and Porky. They were VERY glad to see me this morning, as their favorite thing to do is...you guessed it, EAT!

Next, we have Goatie, as we fondly call her for lack of a more creative name. She is a runaway from Who-Knows-Where (We've hung signs up for weeks, and so far, no takers...). She is a Nubian doe about 3yrs old. We hope to get her some friends soon and have a small herd, with at least one doe to milk for our own use. I would appreciate any knowhow regarding this from readers!

Here is Bob our 4yr old ferret that walked up to my husband and children while they were working in the backyard one day at our previous home....we later discovered that a college student "let him go" because she didn't want to deal with the mess! (He was just a youngster at the time, and very playful) He is SUCH a sweetie. Large Breed dog food, big crunchy bites, is his favorite diet! Both he and the dog get a peanutbutter spoon each morning as a treat :)

Last, but certainly not least, is our 1yr old "Labweiller", Xerxes! He's a sweetie, but definitely requiers regular social and physical interaction!! Body armor would have come in handy for the first 9mos. or so! Big! Strong! Sharp teeth! but not a nasty bone in his body...at least not one we've found yet :), ofcourse everyone has been a "friendly" person in his life so far...Our son found him in our woods at 8wks old.

Well, that's a beginning introduction. We have a few more "friends" to meet, but will save that for another time soon...Shalom!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Good Morning All!

And a gorgeous spring morning it is here in the Southeast USA!

This blog is just a "sharing of our lives". Bear with me as I learn how to take/post pix and document thoughts, feelings, reactions, challenges and glimpses from our little corner of the planet!

As soon as I go and care for our various animals, I will hopefully return with some current pix to share and we'll get started on our journey together...